But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
Galatians 4:4-7
Renewed Faith
It all started when I was seven years old in South Carolina. My father was the Head Pastor at First Baptist Church, and they were hosting a “Judgement House” drama. I walked through the judgement house, and it struck my little heart when I witnessed the “Heavenly Scene” when people in my church dressed up as angels praising God. Back home, I told my mother that I was ready to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I remember feeling overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and gave my life to Christ.
I was a freshman in college when I owned my faith. I remember my junior and senior year of high school running away from God and pursuing drugs and alcohol. I remember the Lord kept telling me to accept my call to ministry.
I continued to fall away until October 2019. My father was the current CEO of Christian Adoption Services and was holding a banquet in South Carolina to raise awareness about adoption. I invited a girl named Taylor to attend the banquet. We went to the banquet and during the night, there was a story shared about how God orchestrated an adoption. The story struck my heart and Taylor’s heart because the testimony was so powerful we knew that God HAD TO do this. God brought a broken homeless woman and saved her, then told her to place her child for adoption. Everything happened according to the will of God, and there were so many divine coincidences recounted during the testimony. Taylor started to cry during this testimony, and I started to get “Holy Spirit” chills.
During the end of the service, Taylor wanted to go see the one year old baby named Maverick who was placed for adoption. She and I walked up to the adoptive parents and greeted them. I told the baby: “Maverick, you are a miracle from God.” The baby then smiled the biggest smile that I have ever seen. Taylor said: “Maverick knows! He knows!” I was amazed at what was taking place in that moment.
Taylor and I then left the building, and she was overwhelmed by what was going on. In the car, Taylor started crying, saying: God is real, Jesus Christ has to be real. I then asked her if she knew Jesus Christ as Lord. She responded that she did not. Driving down the road, I asked her if she wanted to follow Christ, and she responded: “YES!” I slammed the brakes and pulled over on the side of the road, and I saw the power of God change her life. After the prayer, her eyes changed, and I saw life. After this moment, I had to recommit my life to Jesus Christ as Lord and accept His call over my life.
This was the start of my journey, and I am now pursuing my Master of Divinity.